Gender Equality Plan
UIE, the International Union for Electricity applications, is a private non-profit association governed by the law of the French Republic. The mission of UIE is to study, develop, promote and defend efficient electricity applications with regard to sustainable and economic impact.
To this end, UIE studies all questions relative to these applications, particularly from scientific, technical, economic and environmental points of view, excluding questions of purely commercial nature; and assures a permanent liaison between actors in the field of electricity and energy in general. UIE acts as an international coordinator for liaison and distribution of information; promotes between its members exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of electricity applications; assures the necessary liaison with other international organizations whose activities are concerned with the generation, supply and use of electricity; and supports the necessary actions towards decision makers at international level.
The membership of UIE consists in academic and research institutions, national committees of electroheat, and committees for the safety of electricity use. Most if not all of these bodies endorse a gender equality policy and apply gender neutral criteria for sending delegates to UIE activities.
Furthermore, UIE is committed to actively contributing to remove obstacles to gender equality and to adapt institutional practises in its range of action. As an association operating worldwide with renowned academics, UIE is an enabler of international exchanges where skills are above gender and origin.
UIE is working with freelancers and does not act as an employer. In the choice of suppliers, gender equality policy is integrated in the selection criteria.
In its internal and external communication UIE stimulates authors and contributors to use a gender neutral language.